Wednesday 27 January 2016

Brocolli Soup

Quantity used below can serve : 2 people

Ingredients :

Oil - 1 tbsp

Cumin - 1 tsp
Onion - 1 medium sized (chopped)
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Garlic - 2 pods
Brocolli - 8 medium florets
Water - 350 ml
Cashew - 4 nos
Milk - 100 ml
Salt - As required
Pepper - as required

Method :

In a bowl, Immerse the cashews in 2 tbsp of hot milk. Place it aside.

2. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pressure cooker.
    Add cumin,onion,ginger and garlic and fry for 5 mins on medium flame.       


3. Wash the broccoli florets and add them to the pressure cooker. Fry for few seconds


4.  Add water to the pressure cooker and let it cook (4 whistles)

5. After the pressure gets released by itself, open the lid of pressure cooker.
    Drain the boiled ingredients to a blender.
    Retain the water in the pressure cooker.


6. Blend to a smooth state or partially coarse. (As per your wish)

7. Mix the blended stuff to the water which was retained in the pressure cooker.

8. Then in the same mixer, blend the cashews to a fine paste along with few drops of  milk.


9. Add the cashew paste to the pressure cooker along with the remaining left over milk.
    Allow it to boil for a minute on medium flame.

10. Add required amount of salt and pepper and mix well. Serve HoT. 

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