Tuesday 26 January 2016

Pal gova (with curdled milk)

Ingredients :

Milk - 500 ml + 50 ml
Lemon - 5 tbsp
Brown sugar - 120 gm or as required
Cardamom powder - 1 tbsp

Method : 

1. Take 500 ml of milk in a milk pan and allow it to boil.

 2. Squeeze about 5 tbsp of lemon juice into the milk when it's boiling. 
    Let the curdy milk boil still water separates completely.

3. Filter the liquid to get curd dough.

4. Now take 50 ml of milk in a pan and allow it to boil.

5. Add the filtered dough to the boiling milk. Let it boil still the milk and curd dough gets mixed.


6. Add cardamom and give it a mix.

7. Add sugar to it and mix.

8. Retain the pan in medium flame till the liquid gets dried. Serve Hot or cold as per choice.

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